Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hai hai hehe, bosen abis udah jarang banget cerita di blog ini. Gue lagi melewati masa masa "fragile" di hidup gue, kayak hidup segan mati tak mau hahaha asli bosen banget entah kenapa. Hari hari gue rasanya berjalan lama bangeeet, gue cuma jadi mahasiswa kuliah pulang kuliah pulang yang gak jelas. Kerjaan cuma liat hp, nonton tv, baca buku, tiba tiba nangis sambil nulis hahaha sumpah yang terakhir beneran. Saking bosennya gue nulis hal hal yang ada dipikiran gue aja, eh tiba tiba kebawa emosi sendiri trs netes aja itu air dari mata wkwk sumpah kayak gak sadar abis. Blog ini udah kayak tempat curhatan umum sih HEHE dari gue smp gue cerita hal hal kocak sampe sma gue cerita hal hal konyol, BAYANGKAN?! *lebay* berapa tahun gue mengoperasikan blog ini. Dan dari awal gue janjian bikin blog sama temen temen gue ujung ujungnya yang masih nulis cuma gue HAHA walaupun gue juga jarang sih. Ah sudahlah gue berasa ngomong sendiri, gak ada visitors juga yang liat kan. Intinya sih..... hmmm hidup ini membosankan dude, gila bosen abis. Udah itu aja, BYE!


Who look me in the eye and pretend
Who smile with a thousand meanings
Who give me a withered flower
Who ask me why I'm cold

There is no you, there is no me, there is no us
We are searching for possibility, we are trying to be united, but..
We are in our different way, far away

You.. make me smile and cry at the same time
Make me wondering all the time
Why do I stay even I get hurt
Why am I keep loving even I know it will never be the same again
Why can't I find any possibilities with someone else
That's you
And our different destiny.


Being obsess is an usual way for everyone to achieve what they need and what they want. Is it an addiction? Yes, it can be, but moreover, if they take their obsession too far. Obsessing someone or something often brings a misery which leads to a disaster. IT IS FACT. I'm not saying that it is not good being obsess with something or someone, I just thought that being obsess is more unbeneficial than being normal for life.

You want getting too much on something, it just makes you suffer, it is obviously true. And I've ever felt that way. Getting prettier, getting smarter, getting richer and other obsession of human life are dreams that we want to take but we make it like "too far". I have felt that way, and I just can regret to my self. I wanted to get all the things in life to be mine and it felt like a crazy obsession. Being the best among people as possible is my crazy obsession, that I already left behind. It was making me suffer and literally pathetic. AND SO STUPID. I was being a fool all this time.

It is good to have a dream, to pursue a dream with your heart. IT IS VERY VERY GOOD, BUT.. make it like your crazy obsession? it only brings you to your dream madness and make you far away from what you want to achieve. JUST BELIEVE, your effort is not gonna lie to you, just trust me. Trying the best as possible and God will leads you to the best way. If it is not for you, it is okay.. it is not the end of the world, just face it, and make it better for your self. Left all those crazy obsession of life and be your self, even you are not good enough, even you are not the best, but at least you try. Because I have been through this, I have obsessed with something that I always dreamed of. But look? life must go on. There are another important stuff to do rather than being obsess with something or someone that is not gonna be yours.

-Calysta Merina